1 (изменено: Malcev, 2015-04-21 08:30:35)

Тема: AHK: Менять цвет фона активного Edit контрола в Gui

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Gui, Add, Edit, x50 y25  w100 h20 HWNDNewName vNewName
Gui, Add, Edit, x150 y25  w100 h20 HWNDNewPhone vNewPhone
Gui, Add, Edit, x250 y25 w150 h20 HWNDNewEmail vNewEmail
Gui, Add, Button
Gui, Show,, test
   GuiControlGet, focus, FocusV
   if (focus != focusPrev)
     CtlColors.Attach(%focus%, "FF8080")
     focusPrev := focus
   sleep 100

; ======================================================================================================================
; AHK 1.1+
; ======================================================================================================================
; Function:          Auxiliary object to color controls on WM_CTLCOLOR... notifications.
;                    Supported controls are: Checkbox, ComboBox, DropDownList, Edit, ListBox, Radio, Text.
;                    Checkboxes and Radios accept only background colors due to design.
; Namespace:         CtlColors
; AHK version:
; Tested on:         Win 7 (x64)
; Change log: me  -  fixed __New() to run properly with compiled scripts.
;           me  -  changed class initialization.
;           me  -  initial release.
; ======================================================================================================================
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
; In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
; ======================================================================================================================
Class CtlColors {
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Class variables
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Registered Controls
   Static Attached := {}
   ; OnMessage Handlers
   Static HandledMessages := {Edit: 0, ListBox: 0, Static: 0}
   ; Message Handler Function
   Static MessageHandler := "CtlColors_OnMessage"
   ; Windows Messages
   Static WM_CTLCOLOR := {Edit: 0x0133, ListBox: 0x134, Static: 0x0138}
   ; HTML Colors (BGR)
   Static HTML := {AQUA: 0xFFFF00, BLACK: 0x000000, BLUE: 0xFF0000, FUCHSIA: 0xFF00FF, GRAY: 0x808080, GREEN: 0x008000
                 , LIME: 0x00FF00, MAROON: 0x000080, NAVY: 0x800000, OLIVE: 0x008080, PURPLE: 0x800080, RED: 0x0000FF
                 , SILVER: 0xC0C0C0, TEAL: 0x808000, WHITE: 0xFFFFFF, YELLOW: 0x00FFFF}
   ; System Colors
   Static SYSCOLORS := {Edit: "", ListBox: "", Static: ""}
   ; Error message in case of errors
   Static ErrorMsg := ""
   ; Class initialization
   Static InitClass := CtlColors.ClassInit()
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Constructor / Destructor
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   __New() { ; You must not instantiate this class!
      If (This.InitClass == "!DONE!") { ; external call after class initialization
         This["!Access_Denied!"] := True
         Return False
   ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   __Delete() {
      If This["!Access_Denied!"]
      This.Free() ; free GDI resources
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; ClassInit       Internal creation of a new instance to ensure that __Delete() will be called.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ClassInit() {
      CtlColors := New CtlColors
      Return "!DONE!"
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; CheckBkColor    Internal check for parameter BkColor.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   CheckBkColor(ByRef BkColor, Class) {
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      If (BkColor != "") && !This.HTML.HasKey(BkColor) && !RegExMatch(BkColor, "^[[:xdigit:]]{6}$") {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid parameter BkColor: " . BkColor
         Return False
      BkColor := BkColor = "" ? This.SYSCOLORS[Class]
              :  This.HTML.HasKey(BkColor) ? This.HTML[BkColor]
              :  "0x" . SubStr(BkColor, 5, 2) . SubStr(BkColor, 3, 2) . SubStr(BkColor, 1, 2)
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; CheckTxColor    Internal check for parameter TxColor.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   CheckTxColor(ByRef TxColor) {
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      If (TxColor != "") && !This.HTML.HasKey(TxColor) && !RegExMatch(TxColor, "i)^[[:xdigit:]]{6}$") {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid parameter TextColor: " . TxColor
         Return False
      TxColor := TxColor = "" ? ""
              :  This.HTML.HasKey(TxColor) ? This.HTML[TxColor]
              :  "0x" . SubStr(TxColor, 5, 2) . SubStr(TxColor, 3, 2) . SubStr(TxColor, 1, 2)
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Attach          Registers a control for coloring.
   ; Parameters:     HWND        - HWND of the GUI control                                   
   ;                 BkColor     - HTML color name, 6-digit hexadecimal RGB value, or "" for default color
   ;                 ----------- Optional 
   ;                 TxColor     - HTML color name, 6-digit hexadecimal RGB value, or "" for default color
   ; Return values:  On success  - True
   ;                 On failure  - False, CtlColors.ErrorMsg contains additional informations
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Attach(HWND, BkColor, TxColor := "") {
      ; Names of supported classes
      Static ClassNames := {Button: "", ComboBox: "", Edit: "", ListBox: "", Static: ""}
      ; Button styles
      Static BS_CHECKBOX := 0x2, BS_RADIOBUTTON := 0x8
      ; Editstyles
      Static ES_READONLY := 0x800
      ; Default class background colors
      Static COLOR_3DFACE := 15, COLOR_WINDOW := 5
      ; Initialize default background colors on first call -------------------------------------------------------------
      If (This.SYSCOLORS.Edit = "") {
         This.SYSCOLORS.Static := DllCall("User32.dll\GetSysColor", "Int", COLOR_3DFACE, "UInt")
         This.SYSCOLORS.Edit := DllCall("User32.dll\GetSysColor", "Int", COLOR_WINDOW, "UInt")
         This.SYSCOLORS.ListBox := This.SYSCOLORS.Edit
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      ; Check colors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      If (BkColor = "") && (TxColor = "") {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Both parameters BkColor and TxColor are empty!"
         Return False
      ; Check HWND -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      If !(CtrlHwnd := HWND + 0) || !DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "UPtr", HWND, "UInt") {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid parameter HWND: " . HWND
         Return False
      If This.Attached.HasKey(HWND) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Control " . HWND . " is already registered!"
         Return False
      Hwnds := [CtrlHwnd]
      ; Check control's class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Classes := ""
      WinGetClass, CtrlClass, ahk_id %CtrlHwnd%
      This.ErrorMsg := "Unsupported control class: " . CtrlClass
      If !ClassNames.HasKey(CtrlClass)
         Return False
      ControlGet, CtrlStyle, Style, , , ahk_id %CtrlHwnd%
      If (CtrlClass = "Edit")
         Classes := ["Edit", "Static"]
      Else If (CtrlClass = "Button") {
         IF (CtrlStyle & BS_RADIOBUTTON) || (CtrlStyle & BS_CHECKBOX)
            Classes := ["Static"]
            Return False
      Else If (CtrlClass = "ComboBox") {
         VarSetCapacity(CBBI, 40 + (A_PtrSize * 3), 0)
         NumPut(40 + (A_PtrSize * 3), CBBI, 0, "UInt")
         DllCall("User32.dll\GetComboBoxInfo", "Ptr", CtrlHwnd, "Ptr", &CBBI)
         Hwnds.Insert(NumGet(CBBI, 40 + (A_PtrSize * 2, "UPtr")) + 0)
         Hwnds.Insert(Numget(CBBI, 40 + A_PtrSize, "UPtr") + 0)
         Classes := ["Edit", "Static", "ListBox"]
      If !IsObject(Classes)
         Classes := [CtrlClass]
      ; Check background color -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      If !This.CheckBkColor(BkColor, Classes[1])
         Return False
      ; Check text color -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      If !This.CheckTxColor(TxColor)
         Return False
      ; Activate message handling on the first call for a class --------------------------------------------------------
      For I, V In Classes {
         If (This.HandledMessages[V] = 0)
            OnMessage(This.WM_CTLCOLOR[V], This.MessageHandler)
         This.HandledMessages[V] += 1
      ; Store values for HWND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Brush := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateSolidBrush", "UInt", BkColor, "UPtr")
      For I, V In Hwnds
         This.Attached[V] := {Brush: Brush, TxColor: TxColor, BkColor: BkColor, Classes: Classes, Hwnds: Hwnds}
      ; Redraw control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      DllCall("User32.dll\InvalidateRect", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", 0, "Int", 1)
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Change          Change control colors.
   ; Parameters:     HWND        - HWND of the GUI control
   ;                 BkColor     - HTML color name, 6-digit hexadecimal RGB value, or "" for default color
   ;                 ----------- Optional 
   ;                 TxColor     - HTML color name, 6-digit hexadecimal RGB value, or "" for default color
   ; Return values:  On success  - True
   ;                 On failure  - False, CtlColors.ErrorMsg contains additional informations
   ; Remarks:        If the control isn't registered yet, Add() is called instead internally.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Change(HWND, BkColor, TxColor := "") {
      ; Check HWND -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      HWND += 0
      If !This.Attached.HasKey(HWND)
         Return This.Attach(HWND, BkColor, TxColor)
      CTL := This.Attached[HWND]
      ; Check BkColor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      If !This.CheckBkColor(BkColor, CTL.Classes[1])
         Return False
      ; Check TxColor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      If !This.CheckTxColor(TxColor)
         Return False
      ; Store Colors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      If (BkColor <> CTL.BkColor) {
         If (CTL.Brush) {
            DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Prt", CTL.Brush)
            This.Attached[HWND].Brush := 0
         Brush := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateSolidBrush", "UInt", BkColor, "UPtr")
         This.Attached[HWND].Brush := Brush
         This.Attached[HWND].BkColor := BkColor
      This.Attached[HWND].TxColor := TxColor
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      DllCall("User32.dll\InvalidateRect", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", 0, "Int", 1)
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Detach          Stop control coloring.
   ; Parameters:     HWND        - HWND of the GUI control
   ; Return values:  On success  - True
   ;                 On failure  - False, CtlColors.ErrorMsg contains additional informations
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Detach(HWND) {
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      HWND += 0
      If This.Attached.HasKey(HWND) {
         CTL := This.Attached[HWND].Clone()
         If (CTL.Brush)
            DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Prt", CTL.Brush)
         For I, V In CTL.Classes {
            If This.HandledMessages[V] > 0 {
               This.HandledMessages[V] -= 1
               If This.HandledMessages[V] = 0
                  OnMessage(This.WM_CTLCOLOR[V], "")
         }  }
         For I, V In CTL.Hwnds
            This.Attached.Remove(V, "")
         DllCall("User32.dll\InvalidateRect", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", 0, "Int", 1)
         CTL := ""
         Return True
      This.ErrorMsg := "Control " . HWND . " is not registered!"
      Return False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Free            Stop coloring for all controls and free resources.
   ; Return values:  Always True.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Free() {
      For K, V In This.Attached
         DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Ptr", V.Brush)
      For K, V In This.HandledMessages
         If (V > 0) {
            OnMessage(This.WM_CTLCOLOR[K], "")
            This.HandledMessages[K] := 0
      This.Attached := {}
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; IsAttached      Check if the control is registered for coloring.
   ; Parameters:     HWND        - HWND of the GUI control
   ; Return values:  On success  - True
   ;                 On failure  - False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   IsAttached(HWND) {
      Return This.Attached.HasKey(HWND)
; ======================================================================================================================
; CtlColors_OnMessage
; This function handles CTLCOLOR messages. There's no reason to call it manually!
; ======================================================================================================================
CtlColors_OnMessage(HDC, HWND) {
   If CtlColors.IsAttached(HWND) {
      CTL := CtlColors.Attached[HWND]
      If (CTL.TxColor != "")
         DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetTextColor", "Ptr", HDC, "UInt", CTL.TxColor)
      DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetBkColor", "Ptr", HDC, "UInt", CTL.BkColor)
      Return CTL.Brush


Re: AHK: Менять цвет фона активного Edit контрола в Gui

Проще можно, хотя это, похоже, какой-то не совсем правильный путь. Если же действовать по описаниям этого сообщения и возвращать объект Brush, то происходят какие-то косяки. А вот так у меня работает:

Gui, Add, Edit, x50 y25  w100 h20
Gui, Add, Edit, x150 y25  w100 h20
Gui, Add, Edit, x250 y25 w150 h20
Gui, Add, Button
Gui, Show,, test
OnMessage( 0x133, "WM_CTLCOLOREDIT" )
crColor := 0xDDDDDD
GuiControl, Focus, Button1
GuiControl, Focus, Edit1


    global crColor
    DllCall("SetBkColor", "ptr", wParam, "uint", crColor)
    Return 0


Re: AHK: Менять цвет фона активного Edit контрола в Gui

А можно назначить для Edit постоянный цвет?


Re: AHK: Менять цвет фона активного Edit контрола в Gui

Для всех можно через Gui, Color, а для одного не в курсе.


Re: AHK: Менять цвет фона активного Edit контрола в Gui

http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopi … 620#p99620

По вопросам возмездной помощи пишите на E-Mail: serzh82saratov@mail.ru Telegram: https://t.me/sergiol982
Win10x64 AhkSpy, Hotkey, ClockGui
+ DD