Тема: AHK: колесико мыши
Как в этом скрипте сделать так, что бы у прокрутки колесика было кд? при быстром скролле колесика в игре не засчитывает комбинацию (левая кнопка мыши, прокрутка колесика) а именно не засчитывает левую кнопку мыши.
; name: eso_auto_weaver
; version: 1.3
; script is disabled by default -- to enable caps lock most be toggled ON
; some menus will auto disable (untoggle) to allow for numeric inputs
#SingleInstance, force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
; configuration
; input delays and timers
global la_delay := 180
global cn_delay := 500
global bl_delay := 50
; global cooldown ticker
global cd_timer := 900
global cd_delay := cd_timer - (la_delay + cn_delay + bl_delay)
; skill keys configured in array for [skill], [shouldWeave] & [shouldCancel]
global SkillKeys := [{skill: "1", weave: 1, cancel: 1}, {skill: "q", weave: 1, cancel: 1}, {skill: "WheelUp", weave: 1, cancel: 0}, {skill: "e", weave: 1, cancel: 1}, {skill: "f", weave: 1, cancel: 1}]
; primary script & input loop
; only capture keys when game window is running
#ifWinActive Elder Scrolls Online
Hotkey, 1, Weave_1, On
Hotkey, q, Weave_2, On
Hotkey, WheelUp, Weave_3, On
Hotkey, e, Weave_4, On
Hotkey, f, Weave_5, On
; Input, in_key, L1 V ; no longer used [retained for future]
; disable autoweaving in menus
if(GetKeyState("I") || GetKeyState("M") || GetKeyState("J") || GetKeyState("O") || GetKeyState("Esc")) {
SetCapsLockState , off
AutoWeave(SkillKeys[1].skill, SkillKeys[1].weave, SkillKeys[1].cancel)
AutoWeave(SkillKeys[2].skill, SkillKeys[2].weave, SkillKeys[2].cancel)
AutoWeave(SkillKeys[3].skill, SkillKeys[3].weave, SkillKeys[3].cancel)
AutoWeave(SkillKeys[4].skill, SkillKeys[4].weave, SkillKeys[4].cancel)
AutoWeave(SkillKeys[5].skill, SkillKeys[5].weave, SkillKeys[5].cancel)
; helpers
; optional parameter [isBarswap] used for attack chaining (combo/rotation)
AutoWeave(skill, shouldWeave, shouldCancel, isBarswap:=false)
if(GetKeyState("Capslock", "T")){
remainder = 0
; randomly generated variance prevents message stacking
Random, variance, 1, 100
if (shouldWeave) {
Send, {Click}
Sleep la_delay
} else {
remainder += la_delay
Send, {%skill%}
Sleep cn_delay + variance
if (shouldCancel) {
if(isBarswap) {
Send, {``}
Sleep bl_delay
} else {
Send, {Click, down, right}
Sleep bl_delay
Send, {Click, up, right}
} else {
remainder += bl_delay
; observe the gcd
Sleep (cd_delay + remainder) - variance
} else {
Send, {%skill%}
Sleep cd_timer
; EoF