Программа диск О, от маил ру.
Выдаёт ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED. Хотя всё работает как надо.
MsgBox, % (Share := DriveMap.Get("O:")) . " - " . ErrorLevel
; 2250 (0x8CA)
; MsgBox, % DriveMap.Del("O:")
; MsgBox, % DriveMap.Add("O:", Share)
; ======================================================================================================================
; Namespace: DriveMap
; Function: Add, delete, or query network shares mapped to local drives.
; AHK version: AHK
; Tested on: Win XP SP3 - AHK A32/U32 (Win 7 - AHK A32/U32 by HotKeyIt, THX)
; Version: me
; ======================================================================================================================
Class DriveMap {
Static MinDL := "D" ; minimum drive letter
Static MaxDL := "Z" ; maximum drive letter
Static ERROR_BAD_DEVICE := 1200 ; system error code
__New(P*) {
Return ""
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Method: Add - Makes a connection to a network resource and redirects a local device to the resource.
; Parameter: Drive - Drive letter to be mapped to the share followed by a colon (e.g. "Z:")
; or "*" to map an unused drive letter.
; Share - A null-terminated string that specifies the remote network name.
; Optional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; User - A string that specifies a user name for making the connection.
; If omitted or explicitely set empty, the function uses the name of the user running
; the current process.
; Pass - A string that specifies a password for making the connection.
; If omitted or explicitely set to "`n", the function uses the current default password
; associated with the user specified by the User parameter.
; If Pass is an empty string, the function does not use a password.
; Return Values: Drive letter followed by a colon on success, otherwise an empty string.
; ErrorLevel contains the system error code, if any.
; MSDN: WNetAddConnection2 -> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385413%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
; NETRESOURCE -> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385353%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Add(Drive, Share, User := "", Pass := "`n") {
Static RESOURCETYPE_DISK := 0x00000001
Static Flags := 0x04 ; CONNECT_TEMPORARY
Static offType := 4, offLocal := 16, offRemote := offLocal + A_PtrSize ; NETRESOURCE offsets
ErrorLevel := 0
If (Drive <> "*") && !RegExMatch(Drive, "i)^[" . This.MinDL . "-" . This.MaxDL . "]:$") { ; invalid drive
ErrorLevel := This.ERROR_BAD_DEVICE
Return ""
DriveGet, DriveList, List
Loop, % StrLen(DriveList) { ; check whether the share is already mapped
DL := SubStr(DriveList, A_Index, 1) . ":"
If (This.Get(DL) = Share)
Return DL
; Automatic drive mapping by leaving drive empty doesn't work on Win XP, so we have to use the asterisk
; and do it manually
If (Drive = "*") { ; try to find an unused drive letter
DL := Asc(This.MaxDL)
While (DL >= Asc(This.MinDL)) {
If !InStr(DriveList, Chr(DL)) {
Drive := Chr(DL) . ":"
If (Drive = "*") { ; drive is still '*', i.e. the share cannot be mapped to a drive letter
ErrorLevel := This.ERROR_BAD_DEVICE
Return ""
VarSetCapacity(NR, (4 * 4) + (A_PtrSize * 4), 0) ; NETRESOURCE structure
NumPut(RESOURCETYPE_DISK, NR, offType, "UInt")
NumPut(&Drive, NR, offLocal, "Ptr")
NumPut(&Share, NR, offRemote, "Ptr")
PtrPass := Pass = "`n" ? 0 : &Pass
PtrUser := User = "" ? 0 : &User
If (Result := DllCall("Mpr.dll\WNetAddConnection2", "Ptr", &NR, "Ptr", PtrPass, "Ptr", PtrUser
, "UInt", Flags, "UInt")) {
ErrorLevel := Result
Return ""
Return Drive
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Method: Del - removes an existing drive mapping to a network share.
; Parameter: Drive - drive letter of the mapped local drive followed by a colon (e.g. "Z:").
; Optional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Force - specifies whether the disconnection should occur if there are open files or jobs
; on the connection. Values: True/False
; Return Values: True on success, otherwise False.
; ErrorLevel contains the system error code, if any.
; MSDN: WNetCancelConnection2 -> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385427%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Del(Drive, Force := False) {
ErrorLevel := 0
If !RegExMatch(Drive, "i)^[" . This.MinDL . "-" . This.MaxDL . "]:$") { ; invalid drive
ErrorLevel := This.ERROR_BAD_DEVICE
Return False
If (Result := DllCall("Mpr.dll\WNetCancelConnection2", "Str", Drive, "UInt", 0, "UInt", !!Force, "UInt")) {
ErrorLevel := Result
Return False
Return True
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Method: Get - retrieves the name of the network share associated with the local drive.
; Parameter: Drive - drive letter to get the network name for followed by a colon (e.g. "Z:").
; Return Values: The name of the share on success, otherwise an empty string.
; ErrorLevel contains the system error code, if any.
; MSDN: WNetGetConnection() -> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385453%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get(Drive) {
Static Length := 512
ErrorLevel := 0
If !RegExMatch(Drive, "i)^[" . This.MinDL . "-" . This.MaxDL . "]:$") { ; invalid drive
ErrorLevel := This.ERROR_BAD_DEVICE
Return ""
VarSetCapacity(Share, Length * 2, 0)
If (Result := DllCall("Mpr.dll\WNetGetConnection", "Str", Drive, "Str", Share, "UIntP", Length, "UInt")) {
ErrorLevel := Result
Return ""
Return Share
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