Тема: Точка в центре экрана поверх DerectX приложений
Нужен "RedDot", прицел висящий в центре экрана для игр в полноэкранном режиме. Конкретно интересует игра rust. Может кто помочь нарисовать точку поверх окна с игрой?
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Нужен "RedDot", прицел висящий в центре экрана для игр в полноэкранном режиме. Конкретно интересует игра rust. Может кто помочь нарисовать точку поверх окна с игрой?
Если я всё правильно путаю, то такое возможно. Как всё разузнаю, отпишусь.
Через overlay. Вот есть тема: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/4 … -89-fixed/. Только не для всех игр работает. В варкрафте точно работает.
Я что-то подобное сделал через OSD от MSI Afterburner, путем переименования названия "Fan speed" в "( )" и помещения этого в центр экрана, там можно и точку между кавычек поставить и плюсик, но есть ощутимый минус - это проценты сбоку (то есть по сути сам мониторинг).
На скриншотах можно посмотреть как это выглядит на примере Mass Effect 3 http://forums.guru3d.com/showpost.php?p … count=1813
GPF v1.1c - особо не вчитывался, но похоже нужно подменять dll файлы в системе чтобы работало и работает только с DX8-DX9.
Описание и примеры на английском:
This library was tested ONLY with DirectX8 game Warcraft III
Overlayed elements also get ontop of the game's custom mouse cursor
Be aware that the hook method used by this library is highly detectable and may get your online game account banned!
Warcraft III tested on Garena will not get you banned
BattleField 2 may perform a MD5 check and detect the extra DLL file(s)
Punkbuster anti-cheat system may perform same/similar routine that won't let you use this library online
General Functions
GPF_Main( )
Toggle function (load/unload the library).
Return values: +1 , +2 , -1 , -2
A positive value indicates success. A negative value indicates failure.
+1 and -1 are related to loading the library. +2 and -2 are related to unloading it.
GPF_ShowFPS( bShowFPS )
bShowFPS is a boolean (0/1). Indicates display of FPS info.
It is always shown in the upper left screen corner and is not changeable in size or color.
Function returns ErrorLevel (0 if performed successfully).
GPF_GetScreenSize( SizeX , SizeY )
SizeX/Y are the ouput variables for current width and height (in pixels) of game screen. Both are set to 0 if screen size cannot be determined.
This function does not work when the game is minimized.
Function returns ErrorLevel (0 if performed successfully).
Text-related Functions
GPF_SetSingleLine( ObjNum , PosX , PosY , Text , ARGB , UseBlackBG , FontSize , UseBold , FontFamily )
ObjNum indicates the single-line text field (0-4) to be set.
PosX/Y indicate position (upper left corner of text field).
Text is a single-line text. Maximum length is 127 or 128, I'm not sure.
ARGB sets transparency (0-255) and color. Number format must be hexadecimal. Example: 0xFF000000 - black text, no transparency.
UseBlackBG is a boolean (0/1). Indicates usage of a black background for the text field.
FontSize is the size of the font in "logical device units" (I don't know what this means, so just pick a value and try it out).
UseBold is a boolean (0/1). Indicates usage of bold effect.
FontFamily is a boolean (0/1). 0 is SWISS type (proportional font like Arial), and 1 is MODERN type (monospace font like Courier New).
Function returns ErrorLevel (0 if performed successfully).
GPF_SetMultiLine( ObjNum , PosX , PosY , Text , ARGB , UseBlackBG , FontSize , UseBold , SizeX , SizeY , FontFamily )
ObjNum indicates the multi-line text field (0-4) to be set.
PosX/Y indicate position (upper left corner of text field).
Text is a multi-line text. Maximum length is 1023 or 1024, I'm not sure.
ARGB sets transparency (0-255) and color. Number format must be hexadecimal. Example: 0xFF000000 - black text, no transparency.
UseBlackBG is a boolean (0/1). Indicates usage of a black background for the text field.
FontSize is the size of the font in "logical device units" (I don't know what this means, so just pick a value and try it out).
UseBold is a boolean (0/1). Indicates usage of bold effect.
SizeX/Y set the boundaries of text field. Text will be shown only within this box. Values in pixels and based on current screen resolution.
FontFamily is a boolean (0/1). 0 is SWISS type (proportional font like Arial), and 1 is MODERN type (monospace font like Courier New).
Function returns ErrorLevel (0 if performed successfully).
GPF_ShowSingleLine( ObjNum , ShowText )
ObjNum indicates the single-line text field (0-4) to be displayed.
ShowText is a boolean (0/1). Indicates if text will be displayed or not.
Function returns ErrorLevel (0 if performed successfully).
GPF_ShowMultiLine( ObjNum , ShowText )
ObjNum indicates the multi-line text field (0-4) to be displayed.
ShowText is a boolean (0/1). Indicates if text will be displayed or not.
Function returns ErrorLevel (0 if performed successfully).
Picture-related Functions
GPF_SetPicture( FileFullPath )
FileFullPath is the full path of the desired picture.
Allowed formats are BMP, DDS, DIB, HDR, JPG, PFM, PNG, PPM and TGA.
There is no transparency except for picture's own transparent color.
Having a picture size with the powers of 2 is recommended for compatibility with some graphics cards (e.g. better use 256x256 than 200x200).
Function returns ErrorLevel (0 if performed successfully).
GPF_ShowPicture( ShowPic , PosX , PosY )
ShowPic is a boolean (0/1). Indicates if picture will be displayed or not.
PosX/Y indicate position (upper left corner of picture).
Function returns ErrorLevel (0 if performed successfully).
GPF_TakeScreenShot( bFormat , SaveFullPath )
bFormat is a boolean (0/1). Indicates format of saved screenshot. 0 = BMP and 1 = JPG.
SaveFullPath is the full path of saved screenshot (including file extension).
If a previous screenshot request is still pending (being processed), a subsequent call to this function will fail.
Function returns ErrorLevel (0 if performed successfully).
Note that 0 indicates that the request has successfully been passed. It does not indicate that the screenshot has already been taken.
Checking existance of screenshot file would be a good workaround.
"Based on current screen resolution": whenever this is stated, it means that a picture or text-field will not be scaled for windowed games. Let's say you're playing a game in fullscreen mode. If you have a 256x256 picture, it will be displayed normally. Now, if you switch to windowed mode and scale it to 50% of fullscreen size, the picture will not be scaled and will look like a 512x512 picture ingame.
Download Example 1
; =========================================
#Include GPF_v1.1c.ahk
var_ObjNumber := 0 ; ------------ from 0 to 4
var_PosX := 420 ; --------------- text X position
var_PosY := 230 ; --------------- text Y position
; var_SizeX := 500 ; ---------- X multiline field size
; var_SizeY := 500 ; ---------- Y multiline field size
var_TextLine := "LineTest1!" ;--- text
var_ARGB := 0xFF000000 ; -------- Alpha,Red,Green,Blue
var_UseBlackBG := 0 ; ----------- boolean, use black background
var_UseBold := 1 ; -------------- boolean, use bold text
var_FontSize := 20 ; ------------ font size (in units)
var_FontFamily := 0 ; ----------- 0 = SWISS (proportional) --- 1 = MODERN (monospace)
var_ShowText := 0 ; ------------- boolean, show text or not
; =========================================
; F12 toggles the overlayed text by toggling
; library loaded or not via GPF_Main()
; If not loaded, open/load library, otherwise close/free library
; Return values for GPF_Main():
; 1 = Success (load library)
; -1 = Fail (load library)
; 2 = Sucess (free library)
; -2 = Fail (free library)
; If library isn't loaded at this point, other
; functions will return ErrorLevel different
; than 0 and will simply not work (as expected).
; Boolean for showing text TRUE
var_ShowText := 1
; Current var_ObjNumer is 0, so it sets the data of the first SingLine Text Field
; Shows the SingleLine Text Field number 0 (the first one)
Sleep, 1000
; Now previous text will be replaced by a new one
GPF_SetSingleLine(var_ObjNumber,var_PosX,var_PosY,"Test number 2!",var_ARGB,var_UseBlackBG,var_FontSize,var_UseBold,var_FontFamily)
; =========================================
Download Example 2
; =========================================
; Example function - f_Change_SL_Text_0
; Function to change only the text parameter
; of SingleLine Text Field number 0.
; All other parameters are fixed.
; A static variable checks if text really changed.
; Must have GPF_v1.1c.ahk included, of course.
static oldText
if ( oldText = newText )
return "NoChange" ; indicates I'm performing an unecessary attempt to change text
oldText := newText
return GPF_SetSingleLine(0,100,100,oldText,0xFFFFFFFF,0,20,1,0)
; =========================================
Download Example 3
; =========================================
; This example shows usage of picture functions
; =========================================
#Include GPF_v1.1c.ahk
; -- Picture X position
var_PosX := 100
; -- Picture Y position
var_PosY := 150
; -- Boolean for showing picture
var_ShowPic := 0
; -- Picture to be shown (MUST BE FULL PATH)
var_PicFullPath := "C:\My Folder\This is a full path\picture.png"
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; -- Pressing F10 will toggle library via GPF_Main()
; -- Pressing F11 will set desired picture
; -- Pressing F12 will toggle
; picture display once the library
; is loaded and the picture is set
var_ShowPic := !var_ShowPic
; =========================================
Отлично, а как насчёт приложений, которые могут и в DX11 Свои окна поверх всех окон выводить. Правда они на C++ написаны, но это не важно. Сейчас в AUI3 ковыряюсь, там имеются UDF библиотеки, которые можно подключать в AU3 скрипты. Там много чего полезного есть. Знаю человека, который организовал полный вывод поверх всех окон * в центре экрана с помощью этого языка. Как он это сделал рассказывать не хочет. Вот сижу коваряюсь в UDF-ах. Правда начал знакомство с AU3 только дней 10 назад и многое мне не понятно. Может кто-нибудь знает как на этом языке писать? У вас это наверняка быстрее получится.
Есть еще один метод, но используй на свой страх и риск, я про бан аккаунта.
Врубаешь CE,выбираешься процес, далее D3D-->Hook Direct3D. Затем опять жмешь D3D и там выбираешь "Set custom crosshair". File-->load и выбираешься картинку.
BYS screen marker попробуй но там самому центр екрана нужно найти.
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