Тема: CMD/BAT: uptime
По мотивам темы VBS: Время работы системы написал скриптик, который почти повторяет работу unix-команды uptime -- показывает текущее время и как долго работает система.
Обсуждение в отдельной теме: http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?id=14901
08:51:40 up 73 days, 07:57
Исходный код: https://github.com/ildar-shaimordanov/c … uptime.bat
Использовалась идея, почерпнутая из этого ответа на stackoverflow https://stackoverflow.com/a/11128674/3627676
@echo off
:: ========================================================================
set "uptime_boot="
set "uptime_curr="
for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in ( '
wmic OS GET LastBootUpTime^,LocalDateTime /VALUE
' ) do if /i "%%~a" == "LastBootUpTime" (
call :get_ts "%%~b" uptime_boot
) else if /i "%%~a" == "LocalDateTime" (
call :get_ts "%%~b" uptime_curr
set /a "uptime_diff=uptime_curr-uptime_boot"
call :get_datetime diff
call :get_datetime curr
echo: %uptime_curr_hh%:%uptime_curr_mm%:%uptime_curr_ss% up %uptime_diff_dd% days, %uptime_diff_hh%:%uptime_diff_mm%
goto :EOF
:: ========================================================================
set /a "uptime_%~1_ss=uptime_%~1 %% 60"
set /a "uptime_%~1_mm=uptime_%~1 / 60 %% 60"
set /a "uptime_%~1_hh=uptime_%~1 / 60 / 60 %% 24"
set /a "uptime_%~1_dd=uptime_%~1 / 60 / 60 / 24"
call set "uptime_%~1_ss=0%%uptime_%~1_ss%%"
call set "uptime_%~1_mm=0%%uptime_%~1_mm%%"
call set "uptime_%~1_hh=0%%uptime_%~1_hh%%"
call set "uptime_%~1_ss=%%uptime_%~1_ss:~-2%%"
call set "uptime_%~1_mm=%%uptime_%~1_mm:~-2%%"
call set "uptime_%~1_hh=%%uptime_%~1_hh:~-2%%"
goto :EOF
:: ========================================================================
:: Borowed from https://stackoverflow.com/a/11128674/3627676
:: Convert date/time from YYYYMMDDhhmmss.SSSSSS+zzz to Unix timestamp
:: 20190523222121.762088+180
:: 20190801180759.901000+180
:: 1 2
:: 0123456789012345678901234
:: Get the timestamp in UTC
:: Get the timestamp in local time
set "ts=%~1"
set /a "yy=10000%ts:~0,4% %% 10000, mm=100%ts:~4,2% %% 100, dd=100%ts:~6,2% %% 100"
set /a "dd=dd-2472663+1461*(yy+4800+(mm-14)/12)/4+367*(mm-2-(mm-14)/12*12)/12-3*((yy+4900+(mm-14)/12)/100)/4"
::set /a ss=(((1%ts:~8,2%*60)+1%ts:~10,2%)*60)+1%ts:~12,2%-366100-%ts:~21,1%((1%ts:~22,3%*60)-60000)
set /a "ss=(((1%ts:~8,2%*60)+1%ts:~10,2%)*60)+1%ts:~12,2%-366100"
if "%~0" == ":get_ts_utc" set /a "ss-=%ts:~21,1%((1%ts:~22,3%*60)-60000)"
set /a ss+=dd*86400
endlocal & if "%~2" neq "" (set %~2=%ss%) else echo %ss%
goto :EOF
:: ========================================================================
:: EOF