[AutoHotkey Updater]
version = 0.013
SelfUpdate = 1 ; Set to 0 to prevent the script from checking for updates to itself.
URL_Base = https://autohotkey.com/download
URL_Script = %URL_Base%/Update.ahk
URL_Setup = %URL_Base%/ahk-install.exe
URL_Version = %URL_Base%/1.1/version.txt
#Include *i %A_ScriptDir%\UpdateDebug.ahk
if 0 > 0
if IsFunc("_" %True%) ; Recursive call, used to swap exes or elevate the process.
prms := Object()
Loop %0%
func := prms.Remove(1), _%func%(prms*)
else if 1 = SuppressUpToDate ; Suppress "AutoHotkey is up to date" message.
SuppressUpToDate := true
if !A_IsCompiled && SelfUpdate
; First, check for a newer version of this script.
URLDownloadToFile %URL_Script%, %A_Temp%\Update.ahk
IniRead rver, %A_Temp%\Update.ahk, AutoHotkey Updater, version, %A_Space%
IniRead lver, %A_ScriptFullPath%, AutoHotkey Updater, version, %A_Space%
if (lver < rver)
MsgBox 3, AutoHotkey Updater,
(LTrim Join`s
A newer version of this script is available. It is recommended
that you use the updated version of the script to install further
updates. *** WARNING: If you click yes, any modifications you
have made to this script will be lost. ***
`n`nUse the updated script?
ifMsgBox Yes
_SelfUpdate(A_Temp "\Update.ahk")
ifMsgBox Cancel
FileDelete %A_Temp%\Update.ahk
FileDelete %A_Temp%\Update.ahk
; Retrieve latest version number.
whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
whr.Open("GET", URL_Version, false), whr.Send()
version := whr.ResponseText
if !(version ~= "^\d+\.\d")
throw ; 404?
MsgBox 48, AutoHotkey Updater, There was a problem checking for updates. Please check your internet connection or try again later.
if (version <= A_AhkVersion)
&& !RegExMatch(A_AhkVersion, "^\Q" version "\E-") ; Quick hack for beta -> final version.
if !SuppressUpToDate
MsgBox 64, AutoHotkey Updater,
AutoHotkey is up to date.
Installed version:`t%A_AhkVersion%
Latest version:`t%version%
MsgBox 68, AutoHotkey Update Available,
An update for AutoHotkey is available.
Installed version:`t%A_AhkVersion%
Latest version:`t%version%
Would you like to install it now?
ifMsgBox No
TempFile := A_Temp "\ahk-install.exe"
; Download the new package
if !Download(URL_Setup, TempFile)
MsgBox 16, AutoHotkey Updater, Update failed due to a download error.
; Run setup
try Run "%TempFile%" /exec kill %A_ScriptHwnd% /exec Downloaded "%TempFile%"
; Copy and Delete instead of Move so that file permissions are inherited correctly.
FileCopy %source_path%, %A_ScriptFullPath%, 1
if ErrorLevel
if !A_IsAdmin
{ ; Try again as admin.
if Elevate("SelfUpdate", source_path)
MsgBox 16, AutoHotkey Updater, Script update failed. Error %err%.
FileDelete %source_path%
Elevate(func, prms*)
cmd := func
for i,prm in prms
StringReplace prm, prm, `", "", All
cmd .= " """ prm """"
if A_IsCompiled
exe := A_ScriptFullPath
exe := A_AhkPath, cmd := """" A_ScriptFullPath """ " cmd
return DllCall("shell32\ShellExecute", "ptr", 0, "str", "RunAs"
, "str", exe, "str", cmd, "ptr", 0, "int", 1) > 32
; Based on code by Sean and SKAN @ http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=184468#184468
Download(url, file)
static vt
if !VarSetCapacity(vt)
VarSetCapacity(vt, A_PtrSize*11), nPar := "31132253353"
Loop Parse, nPar
NumPut(RegisterCallback("DL_Progress", "F", A_LoopField, A_Index-1), vt, A_PtrSize*(A_Index-1))
global _cu
SplitPath file, dFile
SysGet m, MonitorWorkArea, 1
scale := A_ScreenDPI ? A_ScreenDPI/96 : 1, y := mBottom-52*scale-2, x := mRight-330*scale-2
, VarSetCapacity(_cu, 100), VarSetCapacity(tn, 520)
, DllCall("shlwapi\PathCompactPathEx", "str", _cu, "str", url, "uint", 50, "uint", 0)
Progress Hide CWFAFAF7 CT000020 CB445566 x%x% y%y% w330 h52 B1 FS8 WM700 WS700 FM8 ZH12 ZY3 C11,, %_cu%, AutoHotkeyProgress, Tahoma
if (0 = DllCall("urlmon\URLDownloadToCacheFile", "ptr", 0, "str", url, "str", tn, "uint", 260, "uint", 0x10, "ptr*", &vt))
FileCopy %tn%, %file%, 1
ErrorLevel := 1
Progress Off
return !ErrorLevel
DL_Progress( pthis, nP=0, nPMax=0, nSC=0, pST=0 )
global _cu
if A_EventInfo = 6
Progress Show
Progress % P := 100*nP//nPMax, % "Downloading: " Round(np/1024,1) " KB / " Round(npmax/1024) " KB [ " P "`% ]", %_cu%
return 0