Тема: AHK: MasterScript (менеджер .ahk скриптов)
Я использую много мелких ahk скриптов. Каждый из запущенных скриптов добавляет в трэй одинаковую иконку с зелёной [Н], так что различить их можно только наводя на них курсором и читая текст во всплывающих подсказках.
Поэтому я написал простенький скрипт для управления файлами и процессами ahk-скриптов.
Вот как это выглядит:
Окно скрипта состоит из двух вкладок: 1 для управления файлами скриптов (помимо навигации среди папок - также приделана функция сохранения выбранных скриптов в закладках, чтобы потому можно было их быстро вызвать)
а в другой вкладке можно управлять процессами запущенных скриптов:
Вот, что сейчас умеет скрипт:
- выполнять команды, которые расписаны на кнопках
- добавлять в закладки [и сохранять эту информацию в .ini] скрипты (чтобы в дальнейшем можно было [пере]запустить их все разом)
- растягиваемое GUI
- навигация по папкам (в поисках скриптов) с помощью TreeView (древовидное отображение)
- скрипт также поддерживает некоторые настройки, например умеет запоминать позицию собственного окна, чтобы при следующем вызове восстановиться в том же месте и в том же размере
Скрипт, возможно, также будет полезен новичкам, как хороший пример работы ListView, TreeView, GUI в общем (оно полностью растягиваемое, имеет кнопочки, статус-бар и даже вкладки!), сбор/фильтрация списка процессов, таймеры, gLabel'ы, и т.д.
Вероятно, ещё много стоит дорабатывать и у меня были планы на дальнейшее развитие скрипта, но сначала хотелось бы оценить насколько будет (и будет ли вообще) востребован этот скрипт.
Я буду рад если вы попробуете скрипт и оставите свои отзывы. Также, я буду рад не только патчам к скрипту, но и всем баг репортам, разумным фичереквестам и просто конструктивной критике.
[+] Переделал дерево в "Умное Дерево": теперь оно способно показывать большие структуры и достаточно быстро, за счёт того, что достраивание дерева происходит каждый раз, когда пользователь раскрывает какую-то его ветвь.
[x] Теперь навигация происходит по папкам не от "startFolder", а от корней всех дисков (поддерживаются диски только FIXED и REMOVABLE типов).
[x] У разных типов дисков - разные иконки.
[+] Добавил новую фичу "Process Assistants" (подробнее о ней - ниже).
[x] Переписал "сердце" скрипта: отслеживание обычных процессов и процессов скриптов.
[x] Добавил кучу проверок (код стал безопасней).
[x] Переписал и добавил кучу комментариев в код (каждая функция теперь превосходно описана)
[x] Переписал некоторые функции: упростил их вызовы и укоротил их имена, имена переменных и имена аргументов.
[-] Известный баг: заметил, что при каждом закрытии и повторном открытии окна (в случае, если пользователем выбрано запоминать позицию и размер окна, что есть значение по умолчанию) - размер окна чуточку увеличивается.
[-] Заметил, что функция NoTrayOrphans(), которая чистит трей от иконок мёртвых процессов - не работает под x64 версией AutoHotkey. Не я писал эту функцию, а её автор пока не выходит на связь. Буду рад, если кто-то добавит функции совместимость с x64 версией AutoHotkey.
'Process Assistant' работает таким образом: вы создаёте для неё правила, в которых вы связываете определённые процессы с указанными скриптами и как только скрипт замечает, что указанный процесс запущен - он запускает и "ассистирующие" ему скрипты. Как только тот процесс перестаёт существовать - то закрываются и ассистирующие скрипты.
В коде скрипта в секции "Settings" можно задать вид того, как будут закрываться скрипты: нежно (т.е. с выполнением у них OnExit) или же жёстко (всё равно что прибить процесс диспетчером задач).Существуют следующие правила создания правил для 'Proces Assistant':
1. Каждое правило должно состоять из 2-ух частей, разделённых символом ">":
a. в левой части правила указываются "Trigger Conditions" (TCs), т.е. условия при которых будут запущены соответствующие скрипты. В 1 правиле могут быть указаны сразу несколько TCs: для этого их надо разделить символом "|" и в таком случае правило будет срабатывать ЕСЛИ ХОТЯ БЫ ОДИН из указанных процессов запущен. Процессы можно описывать по имени их исполняемого файла (explorer.exe) или же по полному или частичному (без "\" в начале) пути к нему.
b. в правой части правила указываются "Triggered Actions" (TAs). Их тоже можно указать сразу несколько в одном правиле и тогда, когда правило будет срабатывать - будут запускаться или закрываться сразу все указанные в правой части правила скрипты. Скрипты указываются полными путями к их .ahk файлу (без указания пути к autohotkey.exe).
2. В одно правило может содержать несколько TCs и/или TAs: просто разделяйте их символом "|".Пара примеров правильно составленных правил:
firefox.exe|Program Files\GoogleChrome\chrome.exe|C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe>C:\Program Files\AHK-Scripts\browserHelper.ahknotepad.exe>C:\Program Files\AHK-Scripts\pimpMyPad.ahk
C:\Games\DOTA\dota.exe>C:\DOTA Scripts\cooldownSoundNotify.ahk|C:\DOTA Scripts\cheats\showInvisibleEnemies.ahk
Текущий адрес скрипта такой:
https://github.com/Drugoy/Autohotkey-sc … Script.ahk
Там же находится и issue tracker.
/* MasterScript.ahk
Version: 2.1
Last time modified: 20:13 20.10.2013
Description: a script manager for *.ahk scripts.
Script author: Drugoy a.k.a. Drugmix
Contacts: idrugoy@gmail.com, drug0y@ya.ru
;{ TODO:
; 1. Functions to control scripts:
; a. Hide/restore scripts' tray icons.
; 2. Improve TreeView.
; 3. [If possible:] Combine suspendProcess() and resumeProcess() into a single function.
; This might be helpful: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/41725-how-do-i-disable-a-script-from-a-different-script/#entry287262
; 4. [If possible:] Add more info about processes to ProcessList: hotkey suspend state, script's pause state.
; 5. Handle scripts' icons hiding/restoring.
;{ Settings block.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Recommended for catching common errors.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance, force
DetectHiddenWindows, On ; Needed for "pause" and "suspend" commands.
memoryScanInterval := 1000 ; Specify a value in milliseconds.
GroupAdd ScriptHwnd_A, % "ahk_pid " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
SplitPath, A_AhkPath,, startFolder
rememberPosAndSize := 1 ; 1 = Make script's window remember it's position and size between window's closures. 0 = always open 800x600 on the center of the screen.
storePosAndSize := 1 ; 1 = Make script store info (into the "Settings.ini" file) about it's window's size and position between script's closures. 0 = do not store that info in the Settings.ini.
howToQuitAssistants := "exit" ; Specify either "exit" or "kill" as the values for this variable. This will tell the script how to close the scripts-assistants if the their triggering process(es) were closed: "exit" closes the scripts gently (the "OnExit" subroutine will work out, it's the same as you manually select "Exit" from the script's tray icon's context menu) and "kill" kills them brutally (the "OnExit" subroutine probably won't get executed, it's the same as killing the process from the Task Manager).
;{ GUI Creation.
;{ Create folder icons.
ImageListID := IL_Create(3) ; Create an ImageList to hold 1 icon.
IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 4) ; 'Folder' icon.
IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 80) ; 'Logical disk' icon.
IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 27) ; 'Removable disk' icon.
; IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 13) ; 'Process' icon.
; IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 44) ; 'Bookmark' icon.
; IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 46) ; 'Up to the root folder' icon.
; IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 71) ; 'Script' icon.
; IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 138) ; 'Run' icon.
; IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 272) ; 'Delete' icon.
; IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 285) ; Neat 'Script' icon.
; IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 286) ; Neat 'Folder' icon.
; IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 288) ; Neat 'Bookmark' icon.
; IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", 298) ; 'Folders tree' icon.
;{ Tray menu.
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Manage Scripts, GuiShow ; Create a tray menu's menuitem and bind it to a label that opens main window.
Menu, Tray, Default, Manage Scripts
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Standard
;{ Add tabs and their contents.
Gui, Add, Tab2, AltSubmit x0 y0 w568 h46 Choose1 +Theme -Background gTabSwitch vactiveTab, Manage files|Manage processes|Manage process assistants ; AltSubmit here is needed to make variable 'activeTab' get active tab's number, not name.
;{ Tab #1: 'Manage files'.
Gui, Tab, Manage files
Gui, Add, Text, x26 y26, Choose a folder:
Gui, Add, Button, x301 y21 gRunSelected, Run selected
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gBookmarkSelected, Bookmark selected
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gDeleteSelected, Delete selected
; Folder list (left pane).
Gui, Add, TreeView, AltSubmit x0 y+0 +Resize gFolderTree vFolderTree HwndFolderTreeHwnd ImageList%ImageListID% ; Add TreeView for navigation in the FileSystem. ; ICON
; File list (right pane).
Gui, Add, ListView, AltSubmit x+0 +Resize +Grid gFileList vFileList HwndFileListHwnd, Name|Size (bytes)|Created|Modified
; Set the static widths for some of it's columns
LV_ModifyCol(2, 76)
LV_ModifyCol(3, 117)
LV_ModifyCol(4, 117)
Gui, Add, Text, vtextBS, Bookmarked scripts:
; Bookmarks (bottom pane).
Gui, Add, ListView, AltSubmit +Resize +Grid gBookmarksList vBookmarksList, #|Name|Full Path|Size|Created|Modified
; Set the static widths for some of it's columns
LV_ModifyCol(1, 20)
LV_ModifyCol(4, 76)
LV_ModifyCol(5, 117)
LV_ModifyCol(6, 117)
;{ Tab #2: 'Manage processes'.
Gui, Tab, Manage processes
; Add buttons to trigger functions.
Gui, Add, Button, x2 y21 gExit, Exit
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gKill, Kill
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gkillNreexecute, Kill and re-execute
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gReload, Reload
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gPause, (Un) pause
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gSuspendHotkeys, (Un) suspend hotkeys
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gSuspendProcess, Suspend process
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gResumeProcess, Resume process
; Add the main "ListView" element and define it's size, contents, and a label binding.
Gui, Add, ListView, x0 y+0 +Resize +Grid gManageProcesses vManageProcesses, #|PID|Name|Path
; Set the static widths for some of it's columns
LV_ModifyCol(1, 20)
LV_ModifyCol(2, 40)
;{ Tab #3: 'Manage process assistants'.
Gui, Tab, Manage process assistants
Gui, Add, Button, x374 y21 gAddNewRule, Add new rule
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gDeleteRules, Delete selected rule(s)
Gui, Add, ListView, x0 y+0 +Resize +Grid vAssistantsList, #|Trigger condition|Scripts to execute
LV_ModifyCol(1, 20)
;{ StatusBar
Gui, Add, StatusBar
SB_SetParts(60, 85)
;{ Startup labels executions.
Gui, Submit, NoHide
token := 1
GoSub, AssistantsList
GoSub, ProcessList
GoSub, ManageProcesses
;{ Initial construction of the TreeView.
; Blame:
; 1. Except for FIXED and REMOVABLE, there are other types of drives (CDROM, NETWORK, RAMDISK, UNKNOWN).
; 2. I should add 'bookmarked folders' feature.
; 3. The list of drives currently is static, but it should be dynamic.
DriveGet, fixedDrivesList, List, FIXED
DriveGet, removableDrivesList, List, REMOVABLE
Loop, Parse, fixedDrivesList ; Add all fixed disks to the TreeView.
buildTree(A_LoopField ":", TV_Add(A_LoopField ":",, "Icon2"))
If removableDrivesList
Loop, Parse, removableDrivesList ; Add all removable disks to the TreeView.
buildTree(A_LoopField ":", TV_Add(A_LoopField ":",, "Icon3"))
GoSub, FolderTree
GoSub, BookmarksList
SysGet, UA, MonitorWorkArea ; Getting Usable Area info.
If storePosAndSize
IniRead, sw_W, Settings.ini, Script's window, sizeW, 800
IniRead, sw_H, Settings.ini, Script's window, sizeH, 600
IniRead, sw_X, Settings.ini, Script's window, posX, % (UARight - sw_W) / 2
IniRead, sw_Y, Settings.ini, Script's window, posY, % (UABottom - sw_H) / 2
sw_W := 800, sw_H := 600, sw_X := (UARight - sw_W) / 2, sw_Y := (UABottom - sw_H) / 2
SetTimer, ProcessList, %memoryScanInterval%
GoSub, GuiShow
; OnMessage(0x219, "WM_DEVICECHANGE")
OnExit, ExitApp
;{ GUI Actions
;{ G-Labels of main GUI.
Gui, +Resize +MinSize666x222
; Gui, Show, % "x" sw_X " y" sw_Y " w" sw_W - 16 " h" sw_H - 38, Manage Scripts ; FIXME: sometimes this causes the "Error: Invalid option" upon script's execution + it will probably have window size bug on other platforms/theme, since I've tuned the values to fix it for Win7 with Aero.
Gui, Show, % "x" sw_X " y" sw_Y " w" sw_W " h" sw_H , Manage Scripts
GuiSize: ; Expand or shrink the ListView in response to the user's resizing of the window.
If !(A_EventInfo == 1)
{ ; The window has been resized or maximized. Resize GUI items to match the window's size.
workingAreaHeight := A_GuiHeight - 86
If (activeTab == 1)
GuiControl, -Redraw, textBS
GuiControl, -Redraw, FileList
GuiControl, -Redraw, FolderTree
GuiControl, -Redraw, BookmarksList
Else If (activeTab == 2)
GuiControl, -Redraw, ManageProcesses
Else If (activeTab == 3)
GuiControl, -Redraw, AssistantsList
GuiControl, Move, FolderTree, % " h" . (workingAreaHeight * 0.677)
ControlGetPos,, FT_yCoord, FT_Width, FT_Height,, ahk_id %FolderTreeHwnd%
GuiControl, Move, textBS, % "x0 y" . (FT_yCoord + FT_Height - 30)
GuiControl, Move, FileList, % "w" . (A_GuiWidth - FT_Width + 30) . " h" . (workingAreaHeight * 0.677)
Gui, ListView, FileList
LV_ModifyCol(1, A_GuiWidth - (FT_Width + 330))
GuiControl, Move, BookmarksList, % "x0 y" . (FT_yCoord + FT_Height - 17) . "w" . (A_GuiWidth + 1) . " h" . (8 + workingAreaHeight * 0.323)
Gui, ListView, BookmarksList
LV_ModifyCol(2, (A_GuiWidth - 349) * 0.35)
LV_ModifyCol(3, (A_GuiWidth - 349) * 0.65)
GuiControl, Move, ManageProcesses, % "w" . (A_GuiWidth + 1) . " h" . (workingAreaHeight + 20)
Gui, ListView, ManageProcesses
LV_ModifyCol(3, (A_GuiWidth - 79) * 0.3)
LV_ModifyCol(4, (A_GuiWidth - 79) * 0.7)
GuiControl, Move, AssistantsList, % "w" . (A_GuiWidth + 1) . " h" . (workingAreaHeight + 20)
Gui, ListView, AssistantsList
LV_ModifyCol(2, (A_GuiWidth - 39) * 0.6)
LV_ModifyCol(3, (A_GuiWidth - 39) * 0.4)
If (activeTab == 1)
GuiControl, +Redraw, textBS
GuiControl, +Redraw, FileList
GuiControl, +Redraw, FolderTree
GuiControl, +Redraw, BookmarksList
Else If (activeTab == 2)
GuiControl, +Redraw, ManageProcesses
Else If (activeTab == 3)
GuiControl, +Redraw, AssistantsList
If storePosAndSize || rememberPosAndSize
WinGetPos, sw_X, sw_Y, sw_W, sw_H, Manage Scripts ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
Gui, Hide
Gui, Submit, NoHide
If (activeTab == 1)
GuiControl, +Redraw, textBS
GuiControl, +Redraw, FileList
GuiControl, +Redraw, FolderTree
GuiControl, +Redraw, BookmarksList
Else If (activeTab == 2)
GuiControl, +Redraw, ManageProcesses
Else If (activeTab == 3)
GuiControl, +Redraw, AssistantsList
Gosub, GuiClose
If storePosAndSize
IniWrite, %sw_X%, Settings.ini, Script's window, posX
IniWrite, %sw_Y%, Settings.ini, Script's window, posY
IniWrite, %sw_W%, Settings.ini, Script's window, sizeW
IniWrite, %sw_H%, Settings.ini, Script's window, sizeH
;{ Tab #1: gLabels of [Tree/List]Views.
;{ FolderTree
FolderTree: ; TreeView's G-label that should update the "FolderTree" TreeView as well as trigger "FileList" ListView update.
Global activeControl := A_ThisLabel
If (A_GuiEvent == "") || (A_GuiEvent == "Normal") || (A_GuiEvent == "S") || (A_GuiEvent == "+") ; In case of script's initialization, user's left click, keyboard selection or tree expansion - (re)fill the 'FileList' listview.
If (A_GuiEvent == "Normal") ; If user left clicked anything in the TreeView.
If (A_EventInfo != 0) ; If user clicked an empty space at right from a folder's name.
TV_Modify(A_EventInfo, "Select") ; Forcefully select that line.
Else If (A_EventInfo == 0) ; If user clicked an empty space (not the one at right from a folder's name).
TV_Modify(0) ; Remove selection and thus make 'FileList' ListView show the root folder's contents.
Gui, TreeView, FolderTree
TV_GetText(selectedItemText, A_EventInfo) ; Determine the full path of the selected folder:
ParentID := A_EventInfo
If memorizePath ; Variable 'memorizePath' is used as a token: if it returns true - then we shall use old path to the folder as the current one (otherwise the default path would be used).
memorizePath := selectedFullPath
Loop ; Build the full path to the selected folder.
ParentID := TV_GetParent(ParentID)
If !ParentID ; No more ancestors.
TV_GetText(ParentText, ParentID)
SelectedItemText = %ParentText%\%selectedItemText%
; selectedFullPath := startFolder "\" selectedItemText
If memorizePath
selectedFullPath := memorizePath
If (A_GuiEvent == "") && !(token)
Else If (A_GuiEvent == "+")
Loop %selectedItemText%\*.*, 2 ; Parse all the children of the selected item.
thisChildID := TV_GetChild(A_EventInfo) ; Get first child's ID.
If thisChildID
buildTree(selectedItemText, A_EventInfo) ; Add children and grandchildren to the selected item.
Gui, ListView, FileList ; Put the files into the ListView:
LV_Delete() ; Delete old data.
GuiControl, -Redraw, FileList ; Improve performance by disabling redrawing during load.
token := memorizePath := FileCount := TotalSize := 0 ; Init prior to loop below.
Loop %selectedItemText%\*.ahk ; This omits folders and shows only .ahk-files in the ListView.
FormatTime, created, %A_LoopFileTimeCreated%, dd.MM.yyyy (HH:mm:ss)
FormatTime, modified, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, dd.MM.yyyy (HH:mm:ss)
LV_Add("", A_LoopFileName, Round(A_LoopFileSize / 1024, 1) . " KB", created, modified)
TotalSize += A_LoopFileSize
GuiControl, +Redraw, FileList
GoSub, sbUpdate
;{ FileList
If (A_GuiEvent == "Normal") || (A_GuiEvent == "RightClick")
Global activeControl := A_ThisLabel
;{ BookmarksList
If (A_GuiEvent == "Normal") || (A_GuiEvent == "*") || (bookmarksModified == 1)
Global activeControl := A_ThisLabel
If !((A_GuiEvent == "") || (bookmarksModified == 1)) || !FileExist("Settings.ini") || (A_GuiEvent == "C") ; Filter events out: (re)fill the listview only if the script just started, or we added/removed (a) bookmark(s). And don't fill anything if we have no bookmarks at all.
If bookmarksModified ; That variable is used as token for adding and deleting bookmarks.
GoSub, BookmarksModified ; First update the bookmarks file, and only then fill the listview.
A_IndexMy := nBookmarks := bookmarks := token := ""
Gui, ListView, BookmarksList
LV_Delete() ; Clear all rows.
IniRead, bookmarks, Settings.ini, Bookmarks, list
If bookmarks
StringSplit, bookmarks, bookmarks, |
While (A_IndexMy < bookmarks0)
thisBookmark := bookmarks%A_IndexMy%
IfExist, %thisBookmark% ; Define whether the previously bookmared file exists.
{ ; If the file exists - display it in the list.
SplitPath, thisBookmark, name ; Get file's name from it's path.
FileGetSize, size, %thisBookmark% ; Get file's size.
FileGetTime, created, %thisBookmark%, C ; Get file's creation date.
FormatTime, created, %created%, dd.MM.yyyy (HH:mm:ss) ; Transofrm creation date into a readable format.
FileGetTime, modified, %thisBookmark% ; Get file's last modification date.
FormatTime, modified, %modified%, dd.MM.yyyy (HH:mm:ss) ; Transofrm creation date into a readable format.
LV_Insert(A_IndexMy, "", A_IndexMy, name, thisBookmark, Round(size / 1024, 1) . " KB", created, modified) ; Add the listitem.
Else ; If the file doesn't exist - remove that bookmark.
bookmarksModified := 1
If !bookmarksToDelete
bookmarksToDelete := A_IndexMy
bookmarksToDelete := bookmarksToDelete . "," A_IndexMy
If bookmarksModified
GoSub, BookmarksModified
If bookmarksToDelete
Loop, Parse, bookmarks, |
If (!RegExMatch(bookmarksToDelete, "\b" A_Index "\b"))
nBookmarks .= (StrLen(nBookmarks) ? "|" : "") A_LoopField
bookmarks := nBookmarks
Loop ; Remove double pipes.
IfInString, bookmarks, ||
StringReplace, bookmarks, bookmarks, ||, |, All
IniWrite, %bookmarks%, Settings.ini, Bookmarks, list
bookmarksToDelete := bookmarksModified := ""
GoSub, BookmarksList
;{ Tab #2: gLabel of ListView.
ManageProcesses: ; Update the list of running scripts on the Tab #2.
Global activeControl := A_ThisLabel, oldListItems := listItems, newRows := deadRows := 0
Gui, ListView, ManageProcesses
Loop, %indexScripts% ; Transform the scriptsSnapshot's "pid" values into a pipe-separated string and store it in the 'listItems' variable.
listItems := (A_Index != 1) ? (listItems "|" scriptsSnapshot[A_Index, "pid"]) : (scriptsSnapshot[A_Index, "pid"])
Loop, parse, oldListItems, | ; Look for scripts' dead processes and fulfill 'deadRows' variable with their rows' numbers separated by pipes.
this := A_LoopField
Loop, Parse, listItems, |
stillLives := 0
If (this == A_LoopField)
stillLives := 1
If !stillLives
deadRows := ((deadRows) ? (deadRows "|" A_Index) : (A_Index))
If deadRows ; Delete rows if any scripts's processes were found dead.
Loop, Parse, deadRows, |
If (A_Index == 1)
this := A_LoopField ; This would be the 1st row to delete, thus since that row and up to the end of the list - we'll have to re-index them.
LV_Delete(A_LoopField + 1 - A_Index)
Loop, %indexScripts% ; Re-index rows #'s (first column) if needed.
If (A_Index >= this)
LV_Modify(A_Index,, A_Index)
Loop, Parse, listItems, | ; Look for scripts' new processes and fulfill 'newRows' variable with their rows' numbers separated by pipes.
this := A_LoopField
Loop, Parse, oldListItems, |
newFound := 0
If (this == A_LoopField)
newFound := 1
If !newFound
newRows := ((newRows) ? (newRows "|" A_Index) : (A_Index))
If newRows ; Add new rows for the newly found scripts.
Loop, Parse, newRows, |
LV_Add(, A_LoopField, scriptsSnapshot[A_LoopField, "pid"], scriptsSnapshot[A_LoopField, "name"], scriptsSnapshot[A_LoopField, "path"])
;{ Tab #3: gLabels of ListView.
Global activeControl := A_ThisLabel, Global conditions, Global triggeredActions
rowShift := 0
Gui, ListView, AssistantsList
IniRead, rules, Settings.ini, Assistants
If rules
StringSplit, rule, rules, `n ; Each rule is stored on a new line.
Loop, %rule0%
ruleN := A_Index ; 'ruleN' == the # of the rule being parsed.
StringTrimLeft, rule%ruleN%, rule%ruleN%, 1 + StrLen(ruleN) ; Cut away ini-file's "keys".
Loop, Parse, rule%A_Index%, > ; Trigger condition (TC) in a rule is separated by the ">" from the triggered actions (TA), which are the process(es) to be executed upon TC.
If (A_Index == 1) ; Left part of each rule contains a group of pipe-separated TCs.
conditions := ((conditions) ? (conditions "?" A_LoopField) : (A_LoopField)) ; Preparing data for further parsing by the 'ProcessList' subroutine. Save TC-groups of all the rules into a single variable 'conditions' and separate the groups with the "?".
If A_LoopField ; Safe check against empty groups of TCs.
Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, | ; If there are multiple TCs - they should be pipe-separated.
If A_LoopField ; Safe check against empty TCs.
tcRows := A_Index ; Number of rows to be occupied by the TC.
LV_Add(, ((A_Index == 1) ? (ruleN) : ("")), A_LoopField)
Else If (A_Index == 2) ; Right part of each rule contains pipe separated TAs.
triggeredActions := ((triggeredActions) ? (triggeredActions "?" A_LoopField) : (A_LoopField)) ; Preparing data for further parsing by the 'ProcessList' subroutine. Save TA-groups of all the rules into a single variable 'triggeredActions' and separate the groups with the "?".
If A_LoopField ; Safe check against empty groups of TAs.
Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, | ; If there are multiple TAs - they should be pipe-separated.
If A_LoopField ; Safe check against empty TAs.
taRows := A_Index ; Number of rows to be occupied by the TAs.
If (taRows > tcRows)
LV_Add(,,, A_LoopField)
LV_Modify(taRows + rowShift,,,, A_LoopField)
rowsOccupied := ((rowsOccupied) ? (rowsOccupied "|" ((taRows > tcRows) ? (taRows) : (tcRows))) : (((taRows > tcRows) ? (taRows) : (tcRows)))) ; This variable contains pipe-separated numbers which represent the number of rows occupied by each rule.
rowShift := ((rowShift) ? (rowShift + ((taRows > tcRows) ? (taRows) : (tcRows))) : (((taRows > tcRows) ? (taRows) : (tcRows)))) ; This variable contains the total number of the occupied rows.
;{ ProcessList.
If !indexProcesses
processesOldSnapshot := []
processesOldSnapshot := processesSnapshot
If !indexScripts
scriptsOldSnapshot := []
scriptsOldSnapshot := scriptsSnapshot
Global processesSnapshot := [], Global scriptsSnapshot := [], Global indexScripts := 0, Global indexProcesses := 0
For Process In ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process") ; Parsing through a list of running processes to filter out non-ahk ones (filters are based on "If RegExMatch" rules).
{ ; A list of accessible parameters related to the running processes: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa394372%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
processesSnapshot[indexProcesses, "pid"] := Process.ProcessId
processesSnapshot[indexProcesses, "exe"] := Process.ExecutablePath
; processesSnapshot[indexProcesses, "cmd"] := Process.CommandLine
If (RegExMatch(Process.CommandLine, "Si)^(""|\s)*\Q" A_AhkPath "\E.*\\(?<Name>.*\.ahk)(""|\s)*$", script)) && (RegExMatch(Process.CommandLine, "Si)^(""|\s)*\Q" A_AhkPath "\E.*""(?<Path>.*\.ahk)(""|\s)*$", script))
scriptsSnapshot[indexScripts, "pid"] := Process.ProcessId ; Using "ProcessId" param to fulfill our "pidsArray" array.
scriptsSnapshot[indexScripts, "name"] := scriptName ; The first RegExMatch outputs to "scriptName" variable, who's contents we use to fulfill our "scriptNamesArray" array.
scriptsSnapshot[indexScripts, "path"] := scriptPath ; The second RegExMatch outputs to "scriptPath" variable, who's contents we use to fulfill our "scriptPathArray" array.
If (activeTab == 2)
GoSub, ManageProcesses
;{ StatusBar.
; Update the three parts of the status bar to show info about the currently selected folder:
SB_SetText(FileCount . " files", 1)
SB_SetText(Round(TotalSize / 1024, 1) . " KB", 2)
SB_SetText(selectedFullPath, 3)
;{ Tab #1: gLabels of buttons.
RunSelected: ; G-Label of "Run selected" button.
If (activeControl == "FileList") ; In case the last active GUI element was "FileList" ListView.
Gui, ListView, FileList
selected := selectedFullPath "\" getScriptNames()
If !selected
StringReplace, selected, selected, |, |%selectedFullPath%\, All
Else If (activeControl == "BookmarksList") ; In case the last active GUI element was "BookmarksList" ListView.
Gui, ListView, BookmarksList
selected := getScriptNames()
If !selected
BookmarkSelected: ; G-Label of "Bookmark selected" button.
Gui, ListView, FileList
selected := getScriptNames()
If !selected
IniRead, bookmarks, Settings.ini, Bookmarks, list
selected := selectedFullPath "\" selected
StringReplace, selected, selected, |, |%selectedFullPath%\, All
StringReplace, selected, selected, \\, \, All
bookmarks := ((bookmarks) ? (bookmarks "|" selected) : (selected))
IniWrite, %bookmarks%, Settings.ini, Bookmarks, list
bookmarksModified := 1
GoSub, BookmarksList
DeleteSelected: ; G-Label of "Delete selected" button.
If (activeControl == "BookmarksList") || (activeControl == "FileList")
Gui, ListView, %activeControl%
If (activeControl == "BookmarksList") ; In case the last active GUI element was "BookmarksList" ListView.
bookmarksToDelete := getRowNs()
If !bookmarksToDelete
bookmarksModified := 1
GoSub, %activeControl%
Else If (activeControl == "FileList") ; In case the last active GUI element was "FileList" ListView.
selected := getScriptNames()
If !selected
Msgbox, 1, Confirmation required, Are you sure want to delete the selected file(s)?
IfMsgBox, OK
selected := selectedFullPath "\" selected
StringReplace, selected, selected, |, |%selectedFullPath%\, All
Loop, Parse, selected, |
FileDelete, %A_LoopField%
memorizePath := 1 ; This is used as a token.
GoSub, FolderTree
; Else If (activeControl == "FolderTree") ; In case the last active GUI element was "FileList" TreeView.
; {
; Msgbox, 1, Confirmation required, Are you sure want to delete the selected folder(s) and it's/their contents?
; IfMsgBox, OK
; {
; }
; }
;{ Tab #2: gLabels of buttons.
Gui, ListView, ManageProcesses
Gui, ListView, ManageProcesses
Gui, ListView, ManageProcesses
Gui, ListView, ManageProcesses
Gui, ListView, ManageProcesses
Gui, ListView, ManageProcesses
Gui, ListView, ManageProcesses
Gui, ListView, ManageProcesses
;{ Tab #3: gLabels of buttons.
InputBox, ruleAdd, Add new 'Process Assistant' rule,
'Process Assistant' feature works so: you create rules for it, where you specify Trigger Condition) (or 'TC' further in this text) - which process should be assisted with Triggered Action (or 'TA' further in this text) - with which *.ahk script and then just whenever the specified process appears - the corresponding script will get executed and whenever the specified process dies - the corresponding script will get closed too.
In the "Settings" section of the script (in it's source code) you may select a way how to close the scripts. By default, it uses a gentle method which lets the scripts execute their "OnExit" subroutine.
There are the following rules for 'Process Assistant' rule creation:
1. Every rule has to consist of 2 parts, separated by the ">" character:
a. the left part of a rule is used to specify TCs. TCs can be specified as a process name (explorer.exe) or as a full or partial path (without the "\" at start) to an executable. If multiple TCs are specified in 1 rule - that means that if ANY of those processes appears - it will trigger the rule.
b. the right part of a rule is used to specify TAs. TAs can be specified only by it's full path to the *.ahk file (but don't specify the path to the "AutoHotkey.exe"). If multiple TAs are specified in 1 rule - that means that ALL of them will get executed/closed whenever the trigger works out.
2. One rule may contain multiple TCs or TAs: you just need to separate them by the "|" (pipe) symbol.
A few examples:
firefox.exe|Program Files\GoogleChrome\chrome.exe|C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe>C:\Program Files\AHK-Scripts\browserHelper.ahk
notepad.exe>C:\Program Files\AHK-Scripts\pimpMyPad.ahk
C:\Games\DOTA\dota.exe>C:\DOTA Scripts\cooldownSoundNotify.ahk|C:\DOTA Scripts\cheats\showInvisibleEnemies.ahk
),, 745, 515
If !(ErrorLevel) && ruleAdd ; Do something only if user clicked [OK] and if he actually entered something.
IfNotInString, ruleAdd, > ; Fool-proof.
Run, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTFM
Msgbox RTFM!
Else ; If everything seems to be okay - add the rule to the Settings.ini and re-build the 'AssistantsList' LV.
IniWrite, %ruleAdd%, Settings.ini, Assistants, % rule0 + 1
Gui, ListView, AssistantsList
GoSub, AssistantsList
Gui, ListView, AssistantsList
rulesToDelete := newRules := selectedRow := rowsSelected := rulesToDeleteIndex := isThatRowOfRule := "", thisIndex := thatIndex := "0"
selectedRows := getRowNs()
If !(selectedRows) ; Safe check.
Loop, Parse, selectedRows, | ; Getting the number of items in the 'selectedRows'.
rowsSelected := A_Index
Loop, Parse, selectedRows, |
selectedRow := A_LoopField
isThatRowOfRule := ""
LV_GetText(isThatRowOfRule, selectedRow, 1)
If isThatRowOfRule ; we found # in the left column.
If !rulesToDelete ; no rules to delete yet, so we just assign it
rulesToDelete := isThatRowOfRule
Else ; there are rules to delete, so we need to decide wheter to add a new value or not
Loop, Parse, rulesToDelete, | ; Getting the number of items in the 'rulesToDelete'.
rulesToDeleteIndex := A_Index
Loop, Parse, rulesToDelete, |
If (isThatRowOfRule == A_LoopField)
Else If (rulesToDeleteIndex == A_Index) && (isThatRowOfRule != A_LoopField)
rulesToDelete .= "|" isThatRowOfRule
Else ; Didn't find the number in the left column, checking the row above.
Loop, Parse, rulesToDelete, | ; Getting the number of items in the 'rulesToDelete'.
rulesToDeleteIndex := A_Index
Loop, %rule0%
thisIndex := A_Index
Loop, Parse, rulesToDelete, |
If (A_LoopField == thisIndex)
Else If (A_LoopField != thisIndex) && (A_Index == rulesToDeleteIndex)
newRules := ((newRules) ? (newRules "`n" thatIndex "=" rule%thisIndex%) : (thatIndex "=" rule%thisIndex%))
IniWrite, %newRules%, Settings.ini, Assistants
GoSub, AssistantsList
#IfWinActive ahk_group ScriptHwnd_A
If (activeTab == 1)
GoSub, DeleteSelected
Else If (activeTab == 2)
Gosub, Kill
If (activeControl == "BookmarksList") || (activeControl == "FileList") || (activeControl == "ManageProcesses")
Gui, ListView, %activeControl%
LV_Modify(0, "-Select")
Else If (activeControl == "FolderTree")
;{ Functions to gather data.
getRowNs() ; Get selected rows' numbers.
; Used by: Tab #1 'Manage files' - LVs: 'FileList', 'BookmarksList'; buttons: 'Run selected', 'Bookmark selected', 'Delete selected'. Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LVs: 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: "Kill and re-execute"; functions: getScriptNames(), getPIDs(), getScriptPaths().
; Input: none.
; Output: selected rows' numbers (separated by pipes, if many).
Loop, % LV_GetCount("Selected")
rowNs := ((rowNs) ? (rowNs "|" rowN := LV_GetNext(rowN)) : (rowN := LV_GetNext(rowN)))
Return rowNs
getScriptNames() ; Get scripts' names of the selected rows.
; Used by: Tab #1 'Manage files' - LVs: 'FileList', 'BookmarksList'; buttons: 'Run selected', 'Bookmark selected', 'Delete selected'.
; Input: none.
; Output: script names of the files in the selected rows.
rowNs := getRowNs()
Loop, Parse, rowNs, |
If (activeControl == "FileList")
LV_GetText(thisScriptName, A_LoopField, 1) ; 'FileList' LV Column #1 contains files' names.
Else If (activeControl == "BookmarksList")
LV_GetText(thisScriptName, A_LoopField, 3) ; 'BookmarksList' LV Column #3 contains full paths of the scripts.
Else If (activeControl == "ManageProcesses")
LV_GetText(thisScriptName, A_LoopField, 4) ; 'ManageProcesses' LV Column #4 contains full paths of the scripts.
scriptNames := ((scriptNames) ? (scriptNames "|" thisScriptName) : (thisScriptName))
Return scriptNames
getPIDs() ; Get PIDs of selected processes.
; Used by: Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LVs: 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: 'Exit', 'Kill', 'Kill and re-execute', 'Reload', '(Un) pause', '(Un) suspend hotkeys', 'Suspend process', 'Resume process'.
; Input: none.
; Output: PIDs (separated by pipes, if many).
rowNs := getRowNs()
Loop, Parse, rowNs, |
LV_GetText(thisPID, A_LoopField, 2) ; Column #2 contains PIDs.
PIDs := ((PIDs) ? (PIDs "|" thisPID) : (thisPID))
Return PIDs
getScriptPaths() ; Get scripts' paths of the selected rows.
; Usable by: Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LV 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: 'Kill and re-execute'.
; Input: none.
; Output: script paths of the files in the selected rows.
rowNs := getRowNs()
Loop, Parse, rowNs, |
scriptsPaths := ((A_Index == 1) ? (scriptsSnapshot[A_LoopField, "path"]) : (scriptsPaths "|" scriptsSnapshot[A_LoopField, "path"]))
Return scriptsPaths
;{ Functions of process control.
run(paths) ; Runs selected scripts.
; Used by: Tab #1 'Manage files' - LVs: 'FileList', 'BookmarksList'; buttons: 'Run selected', 'Kill and re-execute'; functions: isTAGroupRunning().
; Input: path or paths (separated by pipes, if many).
; Output: none.
If !paths
Loop, Parse, paths, |
Run, "%A_AhkPath%" "%A_LoopField%"
exit(pids) ; Closes processes nicely (uses PostMessage).
; Used by: Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LV 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: 'Exit'.
; Input: PID(s) (separated by pipes, if many).
; Output: none.
If !pids
Loop, Parse, pids, |
PostMessage, 0x111, 65307,,, ahk_pid %A_LoopField%
kill(pids) ; Kills processes unnicely (uses "Process, Close").
; Used by: Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LV 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: 'Kill', 'Kill and re-execute'.
; Input: PID(s) (separated by pipes, if many).
; Output: none.
If !pids
Loop, Parse, pids, |
Process, Close, %A_LoopField%
killNreexecute(pids) ; Kills processes unnicely (uses "Process, Close") and then re-executes them.
; Used by: Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LV 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: 'Kill and re-execute'.
; Input: PID(s) (separated by pipes, if many).
; Output: none.
If !pids
scriptsPaths := getScriptPaths()
reload(pids) ; Reload (uses PostMessage) selected scripts.
; Used by: Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LV 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: 'Reload'.
; Input: PID(s) (separated by pipes, if many).
; Output: none.
If !pids
Loop, Parse, pids, |
PostMessage, 0x111, 65303,,, ahk_pid %A_LoopField%
pause(pids) ; Pause selected scripts.
; Used by: Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LV 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: '(Un) pause'.
; Input: PID(s) (separated by pipes, if many).
; Output: none.
If !pids
Loop, Parse, pids, |
PostMessage, 0x111, 65403,,, ahk_pid %A_LoopField%
suspendHotkeys(pids) ; Suspend hotkeys of selected scripts.
; Used by: Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LV 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: 'Kill and re-execute'.
; Input: PID(s) (separated by pipes, if many).
; Output: none.
If !pids
Loop, Parse, pids, |
PostMessage, 0x111, 65404,,, ahk_pid %A_LoopField%
suspendProcess(pids) ; Suspend processes of selected scripts.
; Used by: Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LV 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: 'Suspend process''.
; Input: PID(s) (separated by pipes, if many).
; Output: none.
If !pids
Loop, Parse, pids, |
If !(procHWND := DllCall("OpenProcess", "uInt", 0x1F0FFF, "Int", 0, "Int", A_LoopField))
Return -1
DllCall("ntdll.dll\NtSuspendProcess", "Int", procHWND)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Int", procHWND)
resumeProcess(pids) ; Resume processes of selected scripts.
; Used by: Tab #2 'Manage processes' - LV 'ManageProcesses'; buttons: 'Resume process'.
; Input: PID(s) (separated by pipes, if many).
; Output: none.
If !pids
Loop, Parse, pids, |
If !(procHWND := DllCall("OpenProcess", "uInt", 0x1F0FFF, "Int", 0, "Int", A_LoopField))
Return -1
DllCall("ntdll.dll\NtResumeProcess", "Int", procHWND)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Int", procHWND)
;{ Functions needed for 'Process Assistant' to work.
isTCGroupMet(ruleGroupN = 0) ; Checks either all or specific TC group if any of it's TC's is running. It also calls other functions, like isTCMet() and isTAGroupRunning().
; Used by: soubroutines: 'ProcessList'; functions: isTCGroupMet().
; Input: specific TC-group's number or if it's called with no argument (or 0) - it calls self recursively.
; Output: none.
If conditions ; Just a safe check, not really needed.
Loop, Parse, conditions, ? ; Parse TC-groups in the contents of 'conditions' variable.
If !ruleGroupN ; The function was called with no argument, thus it should recursively call self to check every TC group.
Else If (A_Index != ruleGroupN)
StringSplit, this, A_LoopField, |
that := A_Index
Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, | ; Parse TCs in the specified TC-group.
isAnyTCMet := isTCMet(A_LoopField)
If isAnyTCMet ; At least 1 TC in this group is met, we need to check if the corresponding TA group is running or not and execute it if needed.
isTAGroupRunning(that, 1)
Else If (this0 == A_Index) ; We've parsed the whole TC group and found out that no TCs in this group are met, thus we have to make sure that the corresponding TA group is dead too.
isTAGroupRunning(that, 0)
isTCMet(TC) ; Check if a specific TC (not a group) is running or not.
; Used by: function isTCGroupMet().
; Input: TC's path.
; Output: "1" if running or otherwise "0".
Loop, %indexProcesses%
this := processesSnapshot[A_Index, "exe"]
IfInString, this, \%TC%
TCMet := 1
Else If (A_Index == indexProcesses)
TCMet := 0
Return TCMet
isTAGroupRunning(ruleGroupN, SwitchOnOrOff) ; Check if specified TA-group is running and either kill the scripts (0) or run the scripts (1).
; Used by: functions: isTCGroupMet().
; Input: 1st argument is a number of a TA-group to check, 2nd argument forces either to make sure that all the scripts' processes from the corresponding TA-group are dead (0) and kill the living ones; or that they are running (1) and execute the not yet running ones.
; Output: none.
Loop, Parse, triggeredActions, ?
If (ruleGroupN != A_Index)
Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, |
isAnyTAMet := isTAMet(A_LoopField)
If !(isAnyTAMet) && (SwitchOnOrOff)
Else If (isAnyTAMet) && !(SwitchOnOrOff)
toBeKilled := ((toBeKilled) ? (toBeKilled "|" isAnyTAMet) : (isAnyTAMet))
If toBeKilled
isTAMet(TA) ; Check if a specific TA (not a group) is running or not.
; Used by: functions: isTAGroupRunning().
; Input: TA's path.
; Output: script's PID if it's running or otherwise "0".
Loop, %indexScripts%
this := scriptsSnapshot[A_Index, "path"]
If (TA == this)
TAMet := scriptsSnapshot[A_Index, "pid"]
Else If (A_Index == indexScripts)
TAMet := 0
Return TAMet
;{ Fulfill 'TreeView' GUI.
buildTree(folder, ParentItemID = 0)
; This function adds all the subfolders in the specified folder to the TreeView.
; It also calls itself recursively to build a nested tree structure of any depth.
If !folder
Loop %folder%\*, 2 ; Retrieve all of Folder's sub-folders.
buildOneBranch(A_LoopFileFullPath, TV_Add(A_LoopFileName, ParentItemID, "Icon1"))
buildOneBranch(Folder, ParentItemID = 0)
If !folder
Loop %folder%\*.*, 2 ; Retrieve all of Folder's sub-folders.
TV_Add(A_LoopFileName, ParentItemID, "Icon1")
; {
; If ((wp == 0x8000 || wp == 0x8004) && NumGet(lp + 4, "UInt") == 2)
; {
; dbcv_unitmask := NumGet(lp+12, "UInt")
; Loop, 26 ; The number of letters in latin alphabet.
; {
; driveLetter := Chr(Asc("A") + A_Index - 1)
; } Until (dbcv_unitmask >> (A_Index - 1))&1
; MsgBox, % "Диск """ driveLetter ":"" " (wp == 0x8000 ? "подключен" : "отключен") ".`nПытаюсь обновить дерево соответствующим образом.`nwp: '" wp "'"
; If (wp == 0x8000) ; A new drive got connected
; TV_Add(driveLetter)
; Else If (wp == 0x8004) ; A drive got removed.
; {
; Loop
; {
; If (A_Index == 1)
; driveID := TV_GetChild(0)
; Else
; driveID := TV_GetNext(driveID)
; TV_GetText(thisDrive , driveID)
; } Until (driveLetter == thisDrive)
; TV_Delete(driveID)
; }
; }
; }
;{ NoTrayOrphans() - a bunch of functions to remove tray icons of dead processes.
TrayInfo := TrayIcons(sExeName, "ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd", "ToolbarWindow32" . GetTrayBar()) "`n"
. TrayIcons(sExeName, "ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow", "ToolbarWindow321")
Loop, Parse, TrayInfo, `n
ProcessName := StrX(A_Loopfield, "| Process: ", " |")
ProcesshWnd := StrX(A_Loopfield, "| hWnd: ", " |")
ProcessuID := StrX(A_Loopfield, "| uID: ", " |")
If !ProcessName && ProcesshWnd
RemoveTrayIcon(ProcesshWnd, ProcessuID)
TrayIcons(sExeName, traywindow, control)
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, pidTaskbar, PID, %traywindow%
hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "Uint", 0x38, "int", 0, "Uint", pidTaskbar)
pProc := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Uint", hProc, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 32, "Uint", 0x1000, "Uint", 0x4)
SendMessage, 0x418, 0, 0, %control%, %traywindow%
Loop, %ErrorLevel%
SendMessage, 0x417, A_Index - 1, pProc, %control%, %traywindow%
VarSetCapacity(btn, 32, 0), VarSetCapacity(nfo, 32, 0)
DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Uint", hProc, "Uint", pProc, "Uint", &btn, "Uint", 32, "Uint", 0)
iBitmap := NumGet(btn, 0)
idn := NumGet(btn, 4)
Statyle := NumGet(btn, 8)
If dwData := NumGet(btn, 12)
iString := NumGet(btn, 16)
dwData := NumGet(btn, 16, "int64")
iString := NumGet(btn, 24, "int64")
DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Uint", hProc, "Uint", dwData, "Uint", &nfo, "Uint", 32, "Uint", 0)
If NumGet(btn,12)
hWnd := NumGet(nfo, 0)
uID := NumGet(nfo, 4)
nMsg := NumGet(nfo, 8)
hIcon := NumGet(nfo, 20)
hWnd := NumGet(nfo, 0, "int64")
uID := NumGet(nfo, 8)
nMsg := NumGet(nfo, 12)
hIcon := NumGet(nfo, 24)
WinGet, pid, PID, ahk_id %hWnd%
WinGet, sProcess, ProcessName, ahk_id %hWnd%
WinGetClass, sClass, ahk_id %hWnd%
If !sExeName || (sExeName == sProcess) || (sExeName == pid)
VarSetCapacity(sTooltip, 128)
VarSetCapacity(wTooltip, 128*2)
DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Uint", hProc, "Uint", iString, "Uint", &wTooltip, "Uint", 128*2, "Uint", 0)
DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "str", wTooltip, "int", -1, "str", sTooltip, "int", 128, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
sTrayIcons .= "idx: " A_Index - 1 " | idn: " idn " | Pid: " pid " | uID: " uID " | MessageID: " nMsg " | hWnd: " hWnd " | Class: " sClass " | Process: " sProcess " | Icon: " hIcon " | Tooltip: " wTooltip "`n"
DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "Uint", hProc, "Uint", pProc, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0x8000)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", hProc)
Return sTrayIcons
ControlGet, hParent, hWnd,, TrayNotifyWnd1, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
ControlGet, hChild, hWnd,, ToolbarWindow321, ahk_id %hParent%
ControlGet, hWnd, hWnd,, ToolbarWindow32%A_Index%, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
If (hWnd == hChild)
idxTB := A_Index
If !hWnd || (hWnd == hChild)
Return idxTB
StrX(H, BS = "", ES = "", Tr = 1, ByRef OS = 1)
Return (SP := InStr(H, BS, 0, OS)) && (L := InStr(H, ES, 0, SP + StrLen(BS))) && (OS := L + StrLen(ES)) ? SubStr(H, SP := Tr ? SP + StrLen(BS) : SP, (Tr ? L : L + StrLen(ES)) -SP) : ""
RemoveTrayIcon(hWnd, uID, nMsg = 0, hIcon = 0, nRemove = 2)
NumPut(VarSetCapacity(ni,444,0), ni)
NumPut(hWnd, ni, 4)
NumPut(uID, ni, 8)
NumPut(1|2|4, ni, 12)
NumPut(nMsg, ni, 16)
NumPut(hIcon, ni, 20)
Return DllCall("shell32\Shell_NotifyIconA", "Uint", nRemove, "Uint", &ni)