processName := "gta_sa.exe"
address := 0x00B7CD98 + 0x2E4
data := 99
type := "Float"
Try {
MsgBox % r := ProcessReadMemory(address, processName, type)
MsgBox % ProcessWriteMemory(data, address, processName, type)
MsgBox % ProcessReadMemory(address, processName, type)
MsgBox % ProcessWriteMemory(r, address, processName, type)
MsgBox % ProcessReadMemory(address, processName, type)
Catch e
MsgBox,, Error, % e.Message
ProcessReadMemory(address, processIDorName, type := "Int", numBytes := 4) {
VarSetCapacity(buf, numBytes, 0)
Process Exist, %processIDorName%
if !processID := ErrorLevel
throw Exception("Invalid process name or process ID:`n`n""" . processIDorName . """")
if !processHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "Int", 24, "UInt", 0, "UInt", processID, "Ptr")
throw Exception("Failed to open process.`n`nError code:`t" . A_LastError)
result := DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr", processHandle, "Ptr", address, "Ptr", &buf, "Ptr", numBytes, "PtrP", numBytesRead, "UInt")
if !DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", processHandle, "UInt") && !result
throw Exception("Failed to close process handle.`n`nError code:`t" . A_LastError)
if !result
throw Exception("Failed to read process memory.`n`nError code:`t" . A_LastError)
if !numBytesRead
throw Exception("Read 0 bytes from the`n`nprocess:`t" . processIDorName . "`naddress:`t" . address)
return (type = "Str")
? StrGet(&buf, numBytes)
: NumGet(buf, type)
ProcessWriteMemory(data, address, processIDorName, type := "Int", numBytes := 4) {
VarSetCapacity(buf, numBytes, 0)
(type = "Str")
? StrPut(data, &buf, numBytes)
: NumPut(data, buf, type)
Process Exist, %processIDorName%
if !processID := ErrorLevel
throw Exception("Invalid process name or process ID:`n`n""" . processIDorName . """")
if !processHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "Int", 40, "UInt", 0, "UInt", processID, "Ptr")
throw Exception("Failed to open process.`n`nError code:`t" . A_LastError)
result := DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "Ptr", processHandle, "Ptr", address, "Ptr", &buf, "Ptr", numBytes, "UInt", 0, "UInt")
if !DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", processHandle, "UInt") && !result
throw Exception("Failed to close process handle.`n`nError code:`t" . A_LastError)
if !result
throw Exception("Failed to write process memory.`n`nError code:`t" . A_LastError)
return result